
Tuesday, December 14, 2021

the giver novel

this term we read a book called the giver, and once we finished the novel we got to watch the movie remake, when we watched the movie remake we all sat in a row of chairs and got to watch the giver, I think the movie was worse than the book since they removed a lot of stuff that I really liked in the book.

 the movie did help to answer some of my questions like what did the place looked like and what the characters looked like and what time it was based on.

the story of the giver was about a utopia that was very controlling until a kid named Jhoseph gets a job called the memorie ricevier a job where he gets good and horible past memories then after seeing somthing horible he escapes with this baby called Gaybriel, and I really liked the movie and book so I recmend you go read it.

The Giver (The Giver, #1) by Lois Lowry

Friday, October 1, 2021

Rhe Refugee book

 The efugee book

This term we have been reading a book called the Refugee and in the book by Alan Grantz we had a little challenge where we had to track the characters because it would say where they were so here is my tracking.


Thursday, September 16, 2021

 in the past 2 days, we have been working on an animation about symmetry reflection rotation enlargement and we've been doing it on scratch and you should be able to play it if you click on this link and make sure to read the description.

the game

What Is Scratch And How Does It Work? | Tech & Learning

Friday, August 6, 2021

 today at school we had a book week and in this book week we did all sorts of things like a dress-up day a book trade stop drop and read and all sorts of things all related to books and since there was a book drees day where we had to dress up as our favorite book charter and I dressed up as the Minecraft zombie from the diary of a  Minecraft zombie but the image I used is not the real costume I had I just don't have an image.Minecraft Zombie Classic Child Costume - -

Friday, July 30, 2021


 For the past few days, we have been learning about refugees and people that have been kicked out of the country because of war and natural disasters and we have been reading a short book called My Name Is Rez, and here are some photos from the book.

The story mainly talks about how she gets used to a new school and new country and the country she goes to is New Zealand and she came from Kurdish Stan with her family.

Monday, June 14, 2021

get into gaming NZ

 The state of PC gaming in 2020 | PC Gamer

today we talked about Esports and whats it's all about like the staff who sets it up how much money you can make and all the people who do it for a living like did you know that the most money that you can win is 50 million dollars and that the NZ Esport players practice in the sky tower.

We also learned a lot about the staff like who sets it up gets them into the challenges look after they do the financing for all their money they make to pay the staff the players and did you know that just with the NZ players they have 33 staff.

Esports was really cool because I knew that people could do gaming for a living but it was really cool to know just how much you can get because if you were really good at gaming you could get 50 millon$ just for winning a game. 

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

baking in room 10

 Today at lunchtime I went to room ten. When I go to room 10, we do all sorts of stuff like stop motion puppets and sometimes just have free Time and today we did baking.

When we do baking we do all sorts of things like pizza donuts but today we did these weird banana cinnamon swirls it was really fun and after we got to eat them and here how they turned out looking.

They might not look the greatest but they taste amazing.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

typing club

Today we started a thing called typing club. It is made to make your typing better. We all thought that we didn't need to do this whole typing thing but on the  4th level everyone was having a pretty hard time because it tried to teach us a new way of typing that none of us had ever used before.

Monday, March 29, 2021

im a black fella poem


I’m a blackfella - Steven Oliver


  1. Place each word from the box in a gap to complete one of the six sentences below. See if you can do this without a dictionary.







  1. We decided not to _formulate_ a new mathematical solution - one that no one had ever done before.

  2. If you say, “All the people from that country are lazy”, you are only using stereotypes.

  3. We do not condone such naughty and unnecessary behavior in this school.

  4. The soldier was extremely violent and we soon began to see that he was just a savage.

  5. I beseech you, please do not misbehave in class. Be sensible and help the teacher!

  6. When someone is of high standing and always behaves well, we call them noble.

2. Decide whether each of these words is a verb, adjective or noun. Highlight your choice.

  1. condone verb/adjective/noun

  2. stereotypes verb/a

  3. djective/noun

  4. savage verb/adjective/noun

  5. beseech verb/adjective/noun

  6. noble verb/adjective/noun

  7. formulate verb/adjective/noun


  1. Does this poem rhyme? Yes, it does and very good rhymes. If so, what is the rhyme scheme - that is., is the rhyme in pairs (aa, bb, and so on) or is it irregular? It is irregular I think because only sometimes it's aa bb. What effect does the rhyme have on the poem as you read and listen to it? It is interesting and makes you want to read more

  1. Look for examples of internal rhyme - were words on the same line rhyme. What effect does this have on the way you read and listen to the poem? It makes it sound more interesting

  1. Can you identify any slang words? What effect do they have on this poem? It has the words slack in it and I think it makes it more interesting

  1. Which line is repeated? Why does the poet repeat it? I'm a black fella, not a drunk criminal textbook uneducated unemployed welfare-dependent slack fella. To show how some people see black people and stereotypes

  1. This poem has no stanza or verse breaks. What effect does this have when you read through the poem? It makes it sound more smooth

  1. Can you identify any figures of speech (e.g. metaphors, similes, etc) in this poem? If so, what effect do they have? If the poem has no figures of speech, does it matter? It makes it sound more recognizable and it doesn't matter if it does have any fingers of speech 


  1. What does the poet say he is throughout this poem? I'm a black fella 

  2. What does the poet say he is not throughout this poem?

  1. How would you describe the poet’s emotions throughout this poem? not a drunk criminal textbook uneducated unemployed welfare-dependent slack fella

  1. What does the poet say about how other people see him? a drunk criminal textbook uneducated unemployed welfare-dependent slack fella

  1. Who do you think you are throughout the poem? What does the poet want them to do? Not to think that all black people are bad

  1. What do you think the poet is saying with these lines: But the drunk white man who stumbles and falls/Oh, he’s not a reflection of a race at all? That if a black man does crime and other stuff that doesn't mean all black people do that and for some reason if a white man does crime people don't think all white people do that

  1. What is the problem the poet refers to in his final line? What is the solution? Think back to your discussion in the warm-up section.

  1. What two lines do you think to sum up the poet’s overall theme? The line when he said

  2. when a drunk black man stumbles and falls then that black man is me but when the white man stumbles and falls he's not a representation of a whole race at all.  

  1. Evaluate this poem in one or two sentences. That is, state if you like the poem or not and why. the line when he says when a drunk black man stumbles and falls then that black man is me but when the white man stumbles and falls he's not a representation of a whole race at all.  


Practice and perform this poem in small groups.


Friday, February 19, 2021