
Monday, September 7, 2020

how the water cycle works

 How the water cycle 


The water cycle is a pretty cool thing, and it is very easy to understand, so first it rains on the ground then the sun evaporates the water, and if you don't know what evaporation is, well it is when it is so hot a liquid turns into steam, and once the water evaporates it goes back into the air and forms a cloud which is just a whole lot of the evaporated water in the air.  If there isn’t any water from clouds to evaporate it will also evaporate the water from rivers, lakes, the ocean but then since it rains again it's just an infinite loop. 

Also, did you know that the water you drink today from your sink could have had molecules that dinosaurs drank? So that means that most water is over one million years old, and also did you know that nearly 97% of the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable. Another 2% is locked in ice so that leaves just 1% of water so all people can drink which is very interesting, and so those were facts about water, and here are some more facts about the water cycle.

The water cycle describes the movement of water through the Earth's surface, and underground. Water is always moving from one place to another through the stage of evaporation. Water in the water cycle can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas and that’s is some facts about the water cycle. 


This is the end thanks for reading and I hope you learned a lot of new stuff about the water cycle and just the water cycle in general.

 by Koda.