
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The alien

The alien

An alien comes to earth and lands its ufo on top of a hill next to my house so I go grab my dad's pair of
boniklers run-up to my window and look at the ufo and wait for aliens to leave and once he does I run up
the hill and jump into the ufo and jump in it.

As I'm in the ufo I get used to the controls and start to fly his ufo all around the place after a while I get
used to the controls and release this thing has a tractor beam and hyperdrive so I use the hyperdrive
and I get flung back I see the time it self fly past my ufo and once it stops I realize I time-traveled to 500
bc so I hit the power button but It not working it says and that I need uranium or a bolt of lightning so I
land my ufo in a forest next to a village and I sneak around back a house and see a sack and I cover the
sack over my head and I go around town looking for a lighting rod. 

I have almost talked to everyone and they all say they have no idea where one is but one man said
there is a huge tower on a hill and a man named Frankenstein has a monster who needs to be powered
by a lightning rod so I walk up the hill and ask him if a could use his lighting but he kicks me out and
says “go get your own” so I needed to make a diversion so I go up to a old lady and say to her wiggle
your hands at me and make an ohing noise so she does it and I scream ahhhhhh! This which is putting
a curse on me and everyone turned around and shouted wich so they started to tie her up to a big pole
and light her on fire so then I ran as fast as I could to the top of the mountain and knock on his door and
then run behind a bush so after a minute he comes out of his door so I dash up the stairs to get to the
top of the rough grab the lightning rod run back down the stairs and open the door and to my surprise
the man is standing outside the door giving me a furis stair so I grab the tip of the lighting rod and stab
it into his eye and ran as fast as I could to my ufo slap the lighting rod on top of the ufo and then I flew
up to the sky and conveniently it raining so I fly to the top of the sky get struck by lighting and I slam that
warp button and then I went straight back to 2020 and then I land the ufo on the mountain leave and
then I saw me running up the mountain to the but that was past me dan dan dan.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

castle swimmers

Castle swimmers 

Once upon a time in a faraway world there was a small drop off of sun that fell into the ocean thus
creating a small golden mer baby and once the mer baby opened his eyes he heard a voice say from
up above ¨hello my child I created you to fulfill people's prophecies but since there are so many different
prophecies I gave you a special tether that only you can see that will bring you to all prophecies so on
you go now, oh and your name is Kapa but people call you the beacon¨. so off Kapa went following the
tether to the closest prophecies until he found a huge big temple with two guards outside. So he swam
past them and into the temple but then one of the guards noticed Kapa´s shiny scales and quickly
grabbed him and brought him into the temple and showed him to their queen and once the queen saw
his shiny scales she showed him this huge rock with their prophecy and the queen said ¨your supposed
to swim up to the top of the roof of our cave and hit this disco ball and it will sprout yellow flowers all
over our home which will grant us the ability of immortality¨. fo Kapa swam to the top of the grave and hit
the weird ball and sprouted flowers all over the cave but they were blue.